Monday, November 26, 2007


Brian says one weakness that I have is my impatience (my only one?) . So, this morning on my drive to work which is all of 5 minutes - I thought, I should work on this. Starting with my drive in where I usually take a shortcut or two to avoid sitting at one of several traffic lights - I decided to be patient and sit with the rest of the cars. In reality, it might add a total of 90 seconds to my drive. I was successful and survived the drive to work without calling anyone names.

It's been an unusually quiet day at the office and I have not needed to further practice patience - BUT the real test will be the next 11 days! I have no choice in the matter - I have to be patient. I've been losing sleep - it's a combination of thinking about the baby, not being comfortable, excitement, fear of kicking or disturbing Brian and Brian snoring. In 11 days - Dec. 7th at 3:00 PM, we will find out the gender of the little monkey. As I've told some of you - I have a very strong feeling about what the baby is, but will continue to hold it in until we are sure.

The planner in me is going nuts! I can't wait to start on the nursery or at least pick things out. I can't wait to buy gender specific clothing with ladybugs or Red Sox logos. Of course, if you ask Brian - girls wear Red Sox clothes, too. There is so much to look at and it will be easier once we've narrowed it down to a boy or girl. I can wait - but not too much longer.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Results are in

I got a call today from the perinatologist's office (I think that is what they are) telling me the results of the blood tests that they did on Tuesday. My original "scores" based on my age were 1:110 chance of Down's syndrome and a 1:390 chance of Trisomy 18 - both chromosomal abnormalities. The blood tests look for 2 separate hormone levels related to pregnancy and from that a new set of ratios is developed. The ratios based on these tests are now 1:1000 and 1:10,000 respectively. The nurse was quick to say that this does not rule out other chromosome issues, but we now have a much lesser risk. They also informed me that my due date has changed to MAY 15th - even closer to Betsy's. We may need to charter a plane for Mom and Dad for the month.

So, with that off our backs - I rescheduled our next ultrasound for Dec. 7th at 3:00 pm. We will then have a more definitive answer as our the little monkey's gender and they will count toes, ears, finger, and measure all sorts of things to tell us about our baby's health. As far as the gender, the doctor made an educated guess on Tuesday - WITHOUT BRIAN THERE! We have an idea based on the doctor being 80% sure. We'll reveal the actual results when we are more certain in December. We have to keep everyone on pins and needles!