Friday, October 22, 2010

While the Big Cat is away...the mice will play

Brian took a much deserved trip to meet his buddies in Alabama for a long golf weekend in September. After a 2 hour roundtrip drive to the airport (it usually takes 45 minutes) in the pouring down rain, Clare, Ian and I came home to brave a tropical storm, tornados touching down 20 miles away, road closures due to flooding and Clare throwing up all over the sofa caused by overindulgence in milk. By Saturday, we were stir crazy and headed to see the big purple guy. Yep, you read correctly - we met Barney. This was a treat: 1) because Barney has been viewed in our house all of 3 times. 2) Brian would never have agreed to go 3) We stood in line for an hour to get a 30 second picture with Barney.

Go Hoos

The first football game of the 2010 season brought out the UVA attire. We spent the day with our good friends, The Jordans. They have 3 boys - the youngest is Clare's age. They are Georgia/Georgia Tech fans, so we went to their house to watch games.

Brian had to quickly cut the grass, so Clare offered her assistance.