Friday, December 26, 2008

Clare's First Christmas

We started our Christmas holiday on Saturday, December 20th with a trip to Mimi and Pops. Sunday was the Marchant Family Christmas with Clare's cousins, Preston, Hayden and Logan. Clare and her "Boys" had a great time together. Preston loved Clare's patent leather shoes so much he stole one off of her foot so he could eat it. The big hit was a FP Laugh and Learn Purse complete with mirror, lipstick, bracelet and keys in a singing purse from her cousins, Logan and Hayden. She loves it! Mimi and Pops gave Clare a spinning top that may be banished to the bottom of the toy box - it makes lots of fun baby sounds - over the top for Mommy and Daddy though. Aunt Betsy made sure that Clare will be a pretty little lady in a cute ladybug outfit with a great book.

We took Clare to visit Legendary Santa at the Richmond Children's Museum on Tuesday. This is the "same" Santa that used to visit with children at Miller & Rhoads when I was a child. We stood in line for 1-1/2 hours to see him. The kids behind us were surely on the naughty list! I'm always amazed at the level of parenting (or non-parenting) that some people exhibit. Clare was an angel and looked adorable. She sat on Santa's lap and had her picture taken. She was stone faced - no smile - the picture was snapped and then she turned around and saw Santa's face and the bottom lip stuck out with tears flowing.

We stayed with Mimi and Pops until the morning of Christmas Eve and then headed to Grammy and Grampas in Williamsburg. We got to hang out with Aunt Susie and Uncle Jeff. Clare was totally spoiled and had a great time. Santa brought some new books, Leapfrog learning toys and a FP Laugh and Learn Kitchen!!! We can't wait to get the kitchen set up in the our newly renovated kitchen. And she loved the wrapping paper and boxes.

All kinds of updates

We've been renovating our kitchen and that along with life in general have gotten the best of me. The kitchen is due to be finished this week - we started in mid-November and I thought it would last a few weeks. We spent and unexpected 5 days in a hotel while the odor from the new hardwood floors dissipated.

Clare has changed so much.

Her first two bottom teeth popped through this week. We only had one rough night as they made their way in. She doesn't show them much because she's too busy sticking her tongue out, something she has done from birth.

She is sitting up on her own and has been for two months - yes, I'm a slacker with updates.

She now has enough hair to warrant a bow - something I've been waiting for since she was born - I'm trying not to overdo it! I have a box full of ribbon to make bows for every outfit - if I only had time. Here is a picture from Thanksgiving - Clare and Preston were playing innocent...