Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Late night at the Piascik house

Clare is fighting going to sleep tonight - it is currently 10:53 PM. She spent an hour and a half in her bead yelling before Brian went to get her. Right now, she is sitting in his lap and we're all watching ESPN updates. She looked down at his shorts and pointed to the Virginia logo - looked her dad in the eye and said, "Go Hoos?". Yep, Daddy said she can stay up as late as she wants now.

Yesterday - the first thing she said when I went to get her in the morning was "I need a bird, a sheep and an elephant." This is what Laurie Berkner says on one of the episodes of Jack's Big Music Show. JBMS has been her favorite since she was about 9 months old. She still watches it frequently - mostly during her late night meetings with her dad. Brian has been on Clare duty during the night since Ian was born and even before then - JBMS is our go to at night when she won't sleep or wakes up crying.

Ian has been asleep since 9:00 as he is almost every night. He is a fantastic sleeper - he usually sleeps until about 5 or 6 and then wakes up to eat and goes back to sleep for an hour or two. He is making up for his insomniac big sister for sure.