Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentines - Part 2

Here are a couple of short clips from Valentines Day.

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day

There is a Marchant family tradition started by my mom - the original "Valentine Lady". The Valentine Lady brings special surprises. Well, the Valentine Lady makes two trips to the Piascik house. A nice package arrived from the original - some cute ribbon socks with Clare's initial on them. We can't wait to wear them with a dress and her little black patent shoes!

The Valentine (aka Mommy) also brought Clare her very first baby doll. She has been playing with my Madame Alexander "Victoria" doll - she loves the eyes opening and shutting. Victoria is in desperate need of a visit to the doll hospital - she's missing most of her eyelashes and needs a general makeover and some plastic surgery. Clare now has her very own Pink Cheek Huggums. She is definitely enamoured by her and lights up when she sees her and wants to hold her.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Aren't you proud, Grammy?

We have started brushing Clare's teeth (when we remember). She still only has the two bottom ones, but they are pearly white! We brush those and her gums and then she takes a turn brushing. It's too cute! (BTW - Brian's mom is a dentist.)